Are TV Wall Mounts Universal

Are TV Wall Mounts Universal?
A Comprehensive Guide

The large, bulky, floor-standing TV set era is long behind us. Modern flatscreen TVs are more than just slim and lightweight. Still, they are also often displayed on walls, saving floor space and giving our living rooms a sleek, modern look. But when it comes to mounting these TVs, a question often arises: Are TV wall mounts universal? Let’s delve deep into this topic.

Understanding TV Wall Mounts

First, it’s essential to comprehend what we mean by a wall mount. A TV wall mount is a mechanism that attaches to the wall, allowing you to hang your TV, much like you would hang a painting or a photo frame. The difference, however, is the intricate design of these mounts to accommodate varying weights, sizes, and configurations of TVs.

The VESA Standard

The term ‘universal’ in the context of TV mounts is closely related to the VESA standard. VESA stands for the Video Electronics Standards Association, a group that has defined standards for mounting flat panels on walls, stands, and other surfaces. When a TV or a wall mount adheres to VESA specifications, it follows a particular pattern of holes on the back, allowing for compatibility between the TV and the mount.

The VESA mounting pattern is denoted in millimetres and generally looks like this: width x height (e.g., 400×400). This means that they will be compatible if your TV and wall mount supports the 400×400 VESA pattern.

So, Are They Universal?

The answer is both yes and no.

1. Yes: As long as the TV and the mount follow the same VESA standards, they will be compatible. This universal standardisation ensures you can buy a wall mount from Brand A and a TV from Brand B and still expect them to fit together seamlessly.

2. No: The term ‘universal’ can be misleading. Even if a mount supports a specific VESA pattern, it doesn’t necessarily mean it fits all TVs with that pattern. Here are a few reasons why:

Weight Capacity: Wall mounts are designed to hold specific weight ranges. A mount designed for a smaller TV might not support a larger, heavier TV, even if they share the same VESA pattern.

TV Size: While VESA patterns play a significant role in compatibility, the size of the TV is also a factor. Some mounts may not extend or tilt sufficiently for larger screens.

Features and Adjustments: Some mounts offer tilt, swivel, or full-motion capabilities, while others are static. Depending on your viewing requirements, not all mounts may be suitable.

Unique Designs: Curved TVs, for instance, require mounts that can accommodate their unique shape. Similarly, ultra-thin OLED TVs might need mounts to protect their fragile screens.

Choosing the Right Mount

To ensure you pick the correct mount for your TV:

1. Check the VESA pattern: Always ensure that your TV and the mount you’re considering have matching VESA measurements.

2. Know your TV’s weight: Ensure that the mount can support the weight of your TV.

3. Consider the mount type: Decide whether you want a fixed mount, tilt mount, full-motion mount, etc., based on your viewing requirements.

4. Read reviews: Before purchasing, read reviews and ensure that others with a similar TV size and type have succeeded with that mount.


While the VESA standard has undoubtedly made the process of matching TVs with wall mounts simpler, it only makes it partially foolproof. The term “universal”, when associated with TV wall mounts, is more about standardised hole patterns than a one-size-fits-all solution. Always ensure you research thoroughly, understanding your TV’s specifications and the mount’s features, before making a purchase decision. With some diligence, you’ll find the perfect mount that keeps your TV safe, stylish, and in the best viewing position!

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